different collections

Family Pictures and Stories, 1981–1982
Ain’t Jokin’, 1987–1988
American Icons, 1988–1989
Colored People, 1989–1990
And 22 Million Very Tired and Very Angry People, 1989–1990
The Kitchen Table Series, 1990
Sea Islands, 1991–1992
Africa, 1993
Slave Coast, 1993
From Here I Saw What Happened and I Cried, 1995–1996
Man and woman in a painting studio
Framed by Modernism, 1996
Not Manet’s Type, 1997
Who, What, When, Where, 1998
Ritual and Revolution, 1998
The Hampton Project, 2000
The Jefferson Suite, 2001
Dreaming in Cuba, 2001
The Louisiana Project, 2003
Mayflowers Long Forgotten, 2003
Selling Hopes and Dreams in a Bottle, 2004
Beacon, 2005
Roaming, 2006
Constructing History, 2008
African Jewels, 2009
Mandingo, 2010
Slow Fade to Black, 2010

Public art
Operation: Activate, in collaboration with Social Studies 101, 2011

Video projects
Coming Up For Air, 2002–2005
Meaning and Landscape
Mayflowers Long Forgotten
Make Someone Happy
In Love and In Trouble
A Place Called South
Before The Loss Of You
Italian Dreams, 2006


Illustrator letter edit

Illustrator letter edit

Traced over the original J with the pen tool in illustrator. Turned my edit into something different. First put the black in the background of the J. Then created the blue and red shape and added it into my swatches. The added the swatch on to the picture and added white triangles into the background to make like a black diamond shape in the middle of the J. Everything was created in illustrator with the pen tool.


Smoking wall mural (painted)

Smoking wall mural (painted)

A mural that I designed in someone’s house using nothing but a pencil and paint. The painting is not yet done because I have to add more white paint. So you can count this as a draft. I hand drew out someone’s picture that I found on the internet but changed my design up a little so that it would not look the exact same.

Dear Past

 Dear past…
I sit and think about all the things that we had
And I wonder…
Why it never lasted?
After all of the touching and the kissing, the making up and the dissing, me opening up my mouth to talk and me ears just to listen, you were that one I could walk away from and in a second id be missing, you were my ONE….the one that would wake me up in the morning like the sun, the one that knew how to laugh, let loose and have fun, the one….you were my finish line and I thought I had won…BUT like broken glass my dreams were shattered, you were hiding behind a joking mask and nothing I did ever mattered…my effort heart time and love turned in to dust roaming in the air,you broke me down without a second thought nor a second care…to think you had a guy that would go from hell and back to be with you…was never ashamed to claim, lay down or be seen with you, never had the heart to ever be mean to you, but you tore him apart and made him a fean for you, scratching and craving just a bit of your touch, you were his needle that injected his daily rush, but that was only appealing to your naked eye, you were hard as a rock didn’t even attempt to even try nor cry but lie!, and your words were im not ready for relationship…but that was false! You weren’t ready for a relationship with ME! I was that place where you never wanted to be…so why is it that you took me through this loveless trip, messing me up for the next loving chick…not only was it you but after there was not one but there was two…and now love seems so blue…the color of sadness the color of you…but life is great now…I might have some set backs but I never have any break downs…and I realized… you were a mistake now… let me emotions go there floating on a lake now…


The (wo)MEN Hidden Beneath The Men

Why is it that the world seems to always make a man over power the lady…the one that creates new life and I am not only talking about making a baby…when I say new life, I mean women make the sun rise and sun set, she shows you her determination through her blood, tears, and her sweat, taking care of men even though that may be something she regrets, in the end…because you see some men..some men dont appreciate good women, they take her abuse her, rape her, use her, mistake her then lose her, although women are strong it isn’t easy to walk away, from the person that they love and show that to everyday, not just love but are in love, and when you are in love that isn’t easy to get out of…see some men…some men take advantage of a womans kindness and mistake it for a weakness…but that shows some men…some men are really the weakest…a womans body is a kingdom, a heaven she asked me was she a 1-10 I said baby you are a 1…..thousand two-billion & 11 and beyond…show her you love her and create that bond…see you have to take her body and softly caress it… slowly molest it..and willingly impress it…not caress her face with you fist..and make her feel like she doesn’t exist…her body should not be used for sex, nor should she be only chosen if she has ass or breast…because you see women use those breast to feed the babies we create, something we both laid down and took time to make, and not every woman has a butt or a fat ass, that is a traited that I guess just never got passed…
women are gods…women are queens…don’t disrespect nor strike her no matter how much she weeps complains and screams, but I can’t sit here and make it seem like some men, some men are the ones only making a female seem so low…look at the females  sitting half naked in the music video…or the females having sex in a million different pornos…see some women…some women disrespect others and their self…all for the fame and a little bit of wealth, things that disrespect the women race, erase all the respect and power that goes all the way back to the beginning of your ancestors trace, what really makes me mad is when a woman calls her self a bad bitch or a boss bitch, just because you put a word in front of bitch, it does not delete the word bitch nor does it make you seem more rich, you call yourself a boss bitch but in reality you are sitting brainless in a lost ditch…but then get mad when a guy calls you a bitch, but isnt that what you labeled yourself as? Thats like a white man calling a black guy niger, it does not get a pass nor will it ever be changed from the meaning it was given in the past…what im trying to say is a man won’t have anything to say…if a women plays her role the way real women play! I don’t know if this will ever happen but I pray that one day women and men can be treated the same way